admin 发表于 2023-2-27 06:47:02

What Does It Mean To Be Human

Many people walk around either to their next job, the grocery store, on a date, and they might have had something happen to them that day, the day before, a week ago, and so they start thinking about it. They might ask themselves why that might have affected them. The answer to that question is very vague. The answer is very complex and broad. There are many reasons, but it all ties into what being a human is. Part of being human means having emotions, a capacity and capability to feel and understand. Which is what makes us different than robots. Being human means having the capacity, in which capacities grow. There are no limits as Paul Brandt once said “Don’t tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon”. Our beliefs and philosophies make us human. What we think is right will determine how we act towards doing something. No one is the same. Humans are very unique and complex, having many abilities such as emotions, having adaptability and change. What make s a person human is their conscious, soul, ability to change, and the desire to get better. There’s one reason why people can never be replaced by robots. That reason is the fact that robots can't get better on their own. They need upgrades. While humans can grow and get stronger. Another reason why humans are unique is because we are made out of organic life, not a compound, ion, but we tick. People have tissues and organs that work on their own.
Before, I mentioned that our beliefs determine how we decipher between right and wrong. Our beliefs lead into our emotions, which could cause us to do something by thinking we’re doing the right thing, or if someone’s mad, their anger could want them to have the mentality that punching someone in the face is the right thing to do because they deserve it, or when you see that homeless person on the corner with the “Anything will help” sign, and you see the twelve cars in front of you pass him without even giving a thought in the world about what his past has been like, or what he’s been through. Then the time comes and it’s your turn to decide whether to give him the five dollars you were gonna spend on that caramel frappuccino latte with extra mint, or keep the five dollars for that one time drink and feel bad about yourself later on in the day because you didn’t go for your two mile run. The point of the fact that if that's ever happened to you or not we’ve all felt multipole emotions throughout walking on this earth. Which makes that distinctions between us, and a rock. Or even us and a lion. A lion is set to kill, with no doubt or hesitation. We always have a choice. A choice lead by our beliefs and philosophies. Like I’ve also mentioned before, everyone is different, we thinks differently, responds differently, choose differently, answers differently. Every choice we make in life is situational. Going back to the homeless example, why is it that one day someone is generous and gives that guy the five bucks, then another day decides that they want to get that latte frappuccino with extra mint. Emotions are what makes things different, and difference is what makes people human. Everyone’s philosophies are different and will ultimately decide what we will do in certain situations. One person might think it’s fine to say a joke, but the person who got told the joke might find it offensive and take it personally.
Another strong character people have that makes us human is our ability to have a capacity and capability to do anything, though most importantly to feel and understand. Humans are unique because we can grow and get stronger physically, and the thing that makes us irreplaceable, and different from robots is how we can grow and get better. Fast food restaurants can add the self serving robots to replace cashiers, but they can’t replace the interaction the cashier has with the customer. Even though the customer only goes up there to order food and not really paying any mind to the cashiers well being, or vice versa, the feeling that your talking to another human can’t be replaced. With that side note, growing is a very special ability us people have. Personally, when I go to the gym and work out, I see people getting better all the time. They get stronger, and are bettering themselves in general. A robot has limitations. Unless they get an upgrade, they will always have a limit and won’t ever get better. They have a set mind set, and can only understand the programs and functions they are given to understand. AIs are very dangerous if we give them a capability to feel emotions because they could go crazy and kill everyone. Like people in mental institutes, they don’t understand their feelings and the circumstances around them, or the context the situation is in. Most humans can. Once we give AIs the capability to think for themselves, they could possibly get smarter than us Robots can’t lift anything more than their limit is, because their bolts and washers don't get stronger or grow. Our muscles are built to grow and get stronger. When we are pushed we become better than before, robots break down and have to be replaced. Naturally, a human arm can’t be replaced. Though you can always change a robots screws and bolts. Humans having the capability to grow is what makes us different, and our strive and want to get better is what makes us different than robots, plants or other animals. That being a side note, the concept behind growing and getting stronger isn’t what makes us human. Our desire to want to get better is what makes us human.
We are faced with a decision if something dramatic happens to either sit there and take it, or toughen up, stand up for ourselves, and fight. This is our fight or flight mechanic that we all use on a daily basis. Again, we decide if we “fight” or “walk away” from the situation based on our believes. This choice that we are faced with is never easy, in fact they will usually always be hard. Challenges push us and some will break, and quit. While others will learn and get better. Whether that is mentally, physically, or intelligently. Being human is difficult and often leads to many mistakes. Nobody's perfect, though we try to be perfect. We will still yell, cuss, fail to make others happy, or ourselves for that matter. We all fall short whether its genetically or mentally, physically, or in education. Everyone tries to be like the cool kids in high school. Though if everyone was the same how fun would that be? Having a variety of characteristics is good and people should express that in a healthy way. No one should be able to tell someone how to act, because if they don’t like it, they can walk away or ignore it. People should be happy and not have to worry about what clothes to wear to appease certain people. I’m not saying that buying nice things is not okay, because it makes people feel good, but they shouldn’t buy certain things for others satisfaction or to be liked or praised. The interaction that we have with each other is another unique perk we have about being human. How we interact with people, why we interact with people whether it being work, or just a friend or acquaintance. This is very intimate and sacred. The interaction you have with someone can mean a lot to a person, and may be taken for granted, like I mentioned earlier, if companies start replacing cashiers with robots, it’s not going to feel the same and the customer is most likely not going to feel special. Talking to a person gives meaning to life. Adding feelings makes a conversation vivid.
When someone is going to the store, and they think about what it means to be human, and they think about their friends and family, their philosophies, or going to the gym, and they realize that being human means adding purpose and emotions to little things that may not make a huge difference, but make them mean so much. Maybe if people understand these concepts, they will enjoy all of the little things in life and have better philosophies and beliefs, and just might be a happier individual. Being human may mean different things for different people, and their beliefs on being human might be evolution, or whatever the case may be. There is not one right answer. There are many, and who’s to say which one is correct?
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