福虎生威 发表于 2022-2-15 15:56:55

Michael Vasquez was proud of his job as a new product manager for a technolog...

本帖最后由 福虎生威 于 2022-2-15 16:01 编辑

Answer & Explanation
https://www.coursehero.com/assets/img/qa/icon-verified.svgSolved by verified expert

2. Confront your boss privately and let him know that you are uncomfortable with how the documents were obtained and what possession of them says bout the company's culture. In addition to the question of legality of using the information, point out that it is a public relations nightmare waiting to happen.
Step-by-step explanation
The best way to handle the issue is to approach it in an ethical manner. It is best when one opens up and shares the truth about the problems that the firm faces for being in possession of such documents. it is effective to approach the boss privately to protect his respect among other stakeholders. Approaching legal counsel would be taking the matter out of hand. Such confidential information could get out of hand and put the firm in problems. It is best to let the boss realize that it is unethical and illegal to have such documents, especially when they were accessed in an improper manner without the consent of the owner organization. Warning the boss from engaging in such acts in the future saves the company's reputation and also the managers way of thinking. This is the most ethical manner of handling the situation which could lead to minimum negative consequences.

福虎生威 发表于 2022-2-15 15:57:35

At the present time, there are a number of companies, organizations or firms that faced a lot of serious and challenging ethical issues and problems due to lack of ethical practices, standards, norms and rules within the company or firm. These ethical issues negatively affected the overall success, growth, reputation, and image, and profitability, market share of the companies. So, it is important and essential for the business firms to adopt effective, ethical policies and standards within the company in order to deal with such issues properlly. Moreover, this research paper is based on an ethical case scenario that indicates how to address and solve workplace ethical issues and problems by using ethical standards and policies. Additionally, this research paper would explain the ethical issues in the case, their causes and strategies to overcome such issues effectively. Moreover, this study would also explain the concepts of whistle-blowing and analyze the importance of ethics in the workplace.

福虎生威 发表于 2022-2-15 16:01:24

Answer & Explanation
Solved by verified expert
2. Confront your boss privately and let him know that you are uncomfortable with how the documents were obtained and what possession of them says bout the company's culture. In addition to the question of legality of using the information, point out that it is a public relations nightmare waiting to happen.

Step-by-step explanation
The best way to handle the issue is to approach it in an ethical manner. It is best when one opens up and shares the truth about the problems that the firm faces for being in possession of such documents. it is effective to approach the boss privately to protect his respect among other stakeholders. Approaching legal counsel would be taking the matter out of hand. Such confidential information could get out of hand and put the firm in problems. It is best to let the boss realize that it is unethical and illegal to have such documents, especially when they were accessed in an improper manner without the consent of the owner organization. Warning the boss from engaging in such acts in the future saves the company's reputation and also the managers way of thinking. This is the most ethical manner of handling the situation which could lead to minimum negative consequences.

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