admin 发表于 2022-4-22 22:02:02

A company carried out an employee satisfaction survey in view of the recent high

(5) A company carried out an employee satisfaction survey in view of the recent high
resignation rate in the company. Many employees have concerns over the
confidentiality of the information that they provide in the survey and decided not to
provide any negative feedback. What type of research bias might this result in? Explain
the bias stated.

Step 1-Introduction
How we perceive things is uniquely important and subjective to us.Cognitive Bias or Heuristics is our tendency to use assumptions and shortcuts to fill in information that we are processing to arrive at faulty conclusions. This process at times aids us whereas at other times we may reach totally erroneous conclusions.

arrow_forwardStep 2-Research bias
The research bias in this example is the Halo effect. The Halo Effect is the effect of a positive impression in one area which influences our opinion positively of the person in another area as well. Many employees in this survey are concerned about the confidentiality of the survey results. Hence they decide not to provide any negative feedback. Hence they are demonstrating the Halo effect by only providing positive feedback to the company. Only positive feedback is a primary example of the the research bias of the Halo effect in action.

arrow_forwardStep 3-Conclusion
Thus in the above organization we see the demonstration of the Halo Effect.

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