柠檬树下一杯茶 发表于 2022-3-17 10:23:59

An on campus Critical Thinking instructor likes to tell his students that, ev...

Part 2: An on campus Critical Thinking instructor likes to tell his students that, even though he marks blind (i.e., no names on the test papers and assignments when they are marked), many years of experience have shown that there is a high correlation between regular attendance at his critical thinking class and doing well on the assignments and exams. This encourages students to attend classes, and the claim he makes is actually true. But if his students are good critical thinkers by the end of the course, they'll probably think something is dodgy here—while the instructor asserts only that there is a correlation and not a particular causal relationship, he is inviting the students to think he is providing evidence of one. Briefly explain what the correlation claim is, what causal claim he is inviting people to think he is making, and why the correlation might not indicate that this is the causal relationship correct even though the correlation claim is.

The correlation claims that regular attendances can be tantamount to good grades on assignments and exams. This correlation, however, is hypothetical provided that the student attends the class regularly. The casual claim the instructor is inviting to people is that attendances can provide higher probability of getting goods grades on exams and assignments compared to those who do not attend classes regularly. From here, there is a casual relation that exist where attendance can result to good performance.

Step-by-step explanation
The correlation might not indicate that the causal relationship is correct even if the correlation claim is correct because the correlation does not predict 100% the manifestation of an event - that is getting good grades on exams and assignments. It is logically correct to say that the correlation is correct because there is a high probability that attending regularly in classes can result to better performance and this has been backed up by a lot of occurrences already. However, the causal relationship may not be correct because it does not mean that all those who attended the classes regularly can definitely get good grades and develop critical thinking.

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